We feel we have reached this goal and helped cure more cases of nostalgia than we could have ever imagined. From the very beginning, our goal was to allow users to re-live classic moments from video games that they have lost and cannot purchase anymore. We are very grateful to have served the emulation community for so many years and to have CoolROM still exist today. Even the dancing mini-game, which actually makes sense in the context of a figure skating game, is poorly presented and quickly gets repetitive.This page has been removed due to a request from Nintendo of America Inc. Most bizarre of all is the locker game, where you open all the lockers in the gym and look for pairs of items. Co-ordination can be raised by sliding pucks at penguins at the ice rink (I kid you not). Raising your artistry can be done by playing a cake decorating mini-game or a block sliding mini-game. Imagine: Ice Champions Nintendo DS Olympic Ice Skating Otome Dating Game These games were perhaps too ahead of their times with the relatively recent popularity of Yuri on Ice, and increased representation of Otome Games in the United States, I wonder how a sequel for Nintendo Switch would fare these days, if marketed properly. While I'm by no means an expert in sport nutrition, I can't see how gorging yourself on fish would help you become a better skater and sadly the mini-games don't get much better than this. Occasionally kittens (yes kittens) will slide by on the conveyor belt, these should be avoided (no, your skater won't actually scoff them if you make a mistake). To build your stamina, for example, you must stuff your face with plates of sushi, by tapping and sliding plates from the touch screen to the top screen. Sadly, these mini-games are of a poor standard and feel somewhat shoe-horned into the game.
To build these attributes, you take part in mini-games. Skate It is the first game in the spin off series for the Nintendo DS and while there are some control issues to be had and isn't quite the experience of its big brother, it's a good attempt at. These are Stamina, Co-ordination and Artistry. While you're not skating, you have three key attributes to build upon. Once you've done that, you can wander off from the rink and start chatting to other people in the town. Starting the game in the ice rink, you get to meet your coach and master your first basic jump. Step sequences involve slotting coloured shapes into the correct holes, spins simply require you to spin the stylus tip on an area of the DS screen. Each jump has a specific pattern, with harder jumps involving zig zags, but even younger players should be able to perform them without any difficulty. Get special offers & fast delivery options with every purchase. Trace outside, or take to long, and she'll fall. Buy Stars on Ice Video Game Nintendo DS Nds 505 Games Sealed online at an affordable price. Do the tracing correctly and your skater will perform the jump. Sunday services are all about Good News, so we hope you can join us for one and see for yourself All of our worship services include powerful music, practical teaching and preaching from the Bible, as well as opportunities for prayer and response, and time to build relationships with other people. To perform jumps, you trace the patterns on the screen with the stylus, one time for each rotation that you are required to complete. So, what innovative control system have the developers come up with for Imagine Figure Skater? Sadly, the control system isn't much different to that used in many other DS sport games. With figure skating being so much about balance and co-ordination, it's not the easiest sport to simulate on a games console. PRINCESS ON ICE - GIRLS DANCING ICE SKATING DS GAME / LITE DSi 3DS COMPLETE VGC - 3.85. There's no ice dancing or pairs skating in the game.
Free skating involves jumps (axel, lutz, flip and others) spins and step sequences set to music. The skating on offer throughout the game is what's known as "Free Skating". Imagine Figure Skater follows one of three young female skaters through training, skating and daily life.

More than a decade has passed since then, so have Spike Software managed to capture the drama and excitement of this sport in their new figure skating game? As I recall, there has only been one other computer simulation of the sport, which was part of the Winter Games package on the Commodore 64. Figure skating is a sport which requires skill, strength and elegance and unlike most popular sports has not been the subject of many video games.